Sunday, October 12, 2014

I pick October 26th.

So hidden in the vast entanglement of the Web,  I seek to pseudo-publicly declare that I have picked October 26th, 2014 to be the day I decide to quit smoking. A habit I picked up in my final year of B-Tech, smoking - with it's ghastly yet subtle doses of nicotine has had me trapped in an endless cycle of supposed coping mechanism and guilt/remorse. The two times I spent (voluntarily or not) without smoking for about three months saw me hit the abyss of Depression and I am not willing to accept that the nicotine monster holds sway over my otherwise prudent nature. I will look to this day as a day I started one of the hardest challenges I ever met in my 25 years. Excuses and reasons - which at that time seemed sort of fair are holding me back and it is really time I took charge of my life and I will not stand for this bullshit vicious cycle I have found myself entangled in. I will post to this blog as often as I can and keep a sort of public record of how I progress and handle those nasty cravings and I pledge to record every slip on the way. May the best man win!

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